Tag: flood

Designated flood zone

Do you know your designated flood zone? Are you not in a designated flood zone? Designated Flood Zones Here’s a short video about flooding Do you feel safe even though you aren’t in a designated flood zone?   You shouldn’t. Floods can happen anywhere.  Flood zones are just the areas where they happen more frequently. Be […]

Flood Damage Advice…….Your Very Own Flood

Flood Damage Advice…….Your Very Own Flood flood water in street flood zone flood damage

Your Very Own Flood – Flood damage advice Invasions happen. And as statistics show, it happens often. No, we aren’t talking about invasions of the criminal kind. What we are talking about is an invasion of… water. Flood damage. Your own personal flood. Flood damage.  In your house. REMEMBER – a “flood” is rising water […]

Flood Zones

Flood Zones flood water in street flood zone flood damage

Flood Zones – Safe or Not Safe? Have you ever walked or drove down a road and came across a sign that declared, “ Flood Zones !” If it was near your home, you might have panicked. But if it was somewhere far from your home, you felt safe. A floodplain, or flood zone,  can […]

Who Lives in a Flood Zone? You Do!

Who Lives in a Flood Zone? You Do! flood water in street flood zone flood damage

There’s some surprising news from the experts at the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Everyone lives in a flood zone. Yes, you read that right. Of course, if your home is at the top of a mountain, you are probably at low risk from flooding. But most homes are at lower elevations, bringing higher risks. […]

How can FEMA help you?

How can FEMA help you? Water Damage Restoration Service

Assistance is available A flood, fire and other disasters are devastating to families. Thankfully, there is assistance you can take advantage of. With any hurricane, there is going to be a lot of hurricane damage to property. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides help to many of those in need; homeowners and others that […]