Bio-hazard Clean Up for Crime Scenes
Dealing with a bio-hazardous situation is not for the do it yourself type. There are many types of bio-hazard clean up that our staff are professionally trained to clean, including crime scenes, methamphetamine labs, sewage back ups, hoarders and squatters, and animal and rodent infestations.These types of situations are potentially dangerous, due to bacteria and viruses that may be present.
Do not attempt to clean these situations yourself, or hire an untrained or uncertified company. Improper bio-hazard clean up and disinfection in these situations could lead to potential illness or death.
Contact with blood or other bodily fluids, either human or animal, can potentially cause infections and can spread diseases such as flu, AIDS, hepatitis and Ebola. Never handle or come into contact with blood or bodily fluids from an unknown source. Biological Odor Cleaning
Some animal feces, such as rodents, can be a major health hazard even without direct contact. Inhalation of the dust from rodent feces can cause many different types of illnesses, and can even aggravate asthma symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control has a comprehensive list of diseases that can be indirectly transmitted by rodents. And rodents can also directly transfer many diseases. rodent diseases
Cleaning these types of situations is not for the faint hearted. Many bio-hazard clean up situations are nasty. There may be odors from a decaying body, rotten garbage, or animal urine and feces. There may be other dangers, such as used needles, broken glass or other sharp objets that you could encounter and potentially hurt yourself.
You need proper training and certification to effectively clean bio-hazards. Our Certifications
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